ONE PIECE 603 Spoiler Pictures
Source: 2ch
Translation: Aohige_AP

Shakky: they went so fast...
Monkey-chan... and others... all became so strong..
Rayleigh: You were watching?
Shakky: Yes, I'm a fan afterall.
....weren't you remembering something?
Rayleigh: Hm?? yeah... you could say that.
Shakky: fufu...
Roger: Hey! You got a nice ship there!
Rayleigh: Hmm? It's a stolen ship... My house was burned, so I'm living here.
Roger: I see!! What's your name!?
Rayleigh: .... Rayleigh
pic 2
Roger: I'm Roger!! Us meeting here is fated, Rayleigh! Why don't you come with me to turn the world upside down!?
Rayleigh: Turn the world!? Haahaha, who the hell are you? Get lost!
Rayleigh: .... perhaps there is no coincidence in this world. It's as if it was destinied to be....
fate slowly takes its shape... anyways, Luffy has grown to become even more fitting man for that hat....!!
Perhaps.. it's not a bad idea to keep living a little longer.
Translation: Aohige_AP
Shakky: they went so fast...
Monkey-chan... and others... all became so strong..
Rayleigh: You were watching?
Shakky: Yes, I'm a fan afterall.
....weren't you remembering something?
Rayleigh: Hm?? yeah... you could say that.
Shakky: fufu...
Roger: Hey! You got a nice ship there!
Rayleigh: Hmm? It's a stolen ship... My house was burned, so I'm living here.
Roger: I see!! What's your name!?
Rayleigh: .... Rayleigh
pic 2
Roger: I'm Roger!! Us meeting here is fated, Rayleigh! Why don't you come with me to turn the world upside down!?
Rayleigh: Turn the world!? Haahaha, who the hell are you? Get lost!
Rayleigh: .... perhaps there is no coincidence in this world. It's as if it was destinied to be....
fate slowly takes its shape... anyways, Luffy has grown to become even more fitting man for that hat....!!
Perhaps.. it's not a bad idea to keep living a little longer.
ONE PIECE 603 Spoiler Summaries
Credits: Mr T
Translation: Aohige_AP
One Piece Chapter 603: Keep it in your heart
Cover is Sanji making pies with a squirrel
Mr. T: Cariboo and Coriboo are Devil Fruit users (Looks like Logia), they don't seem to be fodders at all.
They were planning to kill the Strawhats from inside. They're gonna be coming after the SH more in the future.
They seem pretty dangerous
Fake Strawhats got buried alive.
Looks like they got away from Sentoumaru.
Probably because of Rayleigh being there.
Shakkey and Rayleigh's conversation and flashback with Roger and Rayleigh reveals the original owner of the straw hat.
It's roger after all!!
The Strawhats are chatting as they head to FI.
On the way they see the root of the Sabaody mangroove, try to catch fishes, etc.
Sanji gushes out noseblood again as he sees Nami.
Hachi and Duval were protecting the Sunny, but were forced to retire from their post due to severe injuries.
So who was protecting the Sunny in their absence? Another warrior.
Kuma made a promise with Vegapunk and asked him to program him to protect the Sunny until one of the Strawhats arrive there.
Franky tells the SH even though the next time they meet Kuma will be a perfect human weapon machine, he's still their savior and they owe it to him.
Cariboo & Coriboo come chasing the Sunny to the depth of sea. Next chapter battle probably.
Translation: Aohige_AP
One Piece Chapter 603: Keep it in your heart
Cover is Sanji making pies with a squirrel
Mr. T: Cariboo and Coriboo are Devil Fruit users (Looks like Logia), they don't seem to be fodders at all.
They were planning to kill the Strawhats from inside. They're gonna be coming after the SH more in the future.
They seem pretty dangerous
Fake Strawhats got buried alive.
Looks like they got away from Sentoumaru.
Probably because of Rayleigh being there.
Shakkey and Rayleigh's conversation and flashback with Roger and Rayleigh reveals the original owner of the straw hat.
It's roger after all!!
The Strawhats are chatting as they head to FI.
On the way they see the root of the Sabaody mangroove, try to catch fishes, etc.
Sanji gushes out noseblood again as he sees Nami.
Hachi and Duval were protecting the Sunny, but were forced to retire from their post due to severe injuries.
So who was protecting the Sunny in their absence? Another warrior.
Kuma made a promise with Vegapunk and asked him to program him to protect the Sunny until one of the Strawhats arrive there.
Franky tells the SH even though the next time they meet Kuma will be a perfect human weapon machine, he's still their savior and they owe it to him.
Cariboo & Coriboo come chasing the Sunny to the depth of sea. Next chapter battle probably.
Credits: Ohana
Translation: Aohige_AP
シャボンディ 無法地帯
カリブー偽サンジを掴むと、(ドルドルの実の能力みたい)ので偽サンジの顔を包み呼吸を止めよ うとする。偽 ウソップそれを止めようと発砲。
カリブー「埋めちゃおうぜ 本物のの麦わら一味は確認したぜ~」
戦闘丸「きえたのはカリブー兄弟その一味… 偽麦わら数名 他は捕えたが 本物のの麦わら一味 によってパシ フィスタ2名を損傷 2年前奴らを追い詰めたプロテクトさ
勿論強さは当時のまま 変わったのはあいつらだ!!
めまぐるしい成長を遂げている 新世界の海軍本部によーく伝えておけ
シャッキー「ファンだもの 何か思い出してるんじゃない レイさん」
船の甲板で寝てる若いレイリー いい船だなと男に声をかけられる
麦わら帽子をかぶってるロジャー「おれはロジャー!!この出会いは運命だ おれと一緒に世界を ひっくり返さ ないか」
目頭を抑えてるレイリー「この世には偶然などないのかもしれん 全てが必然であるかのように ルフィはまた 一段とあの帽子がよく似合う男になった
シャボンディ 近海海中
どんどん沈んでいくサニー号 海王類も泳いでる
ルフィ「わくわくすんな~海中の大冒険 夢みてえだ」
ゾロも刀を抜き斬ろうとする 止めるウソップとチョッパー
たんこぶだらけのルフィ ゾロ
船の説明してとサンジ ナミが説明しようとすると
ここで、コーティング船の説明 聞いてるのか聞いてないのか
くまがレイリーに耳打ちしたことは クマ「おれは革命軍の幹部 縁あってこの一味をここから逃 がしたい」
フランキー「そんな弱みを握られたかしらねえが やつは実験隊として海軍によって少しづつサイ ボーグ化され 戦争前にじゃ完全に人格を奪われる契約を交わしていた」
チョッパー「バラバラにお飛ばしても どうするかわあいつにわかるわけがない それでも船で待 ってたのか? 人格も失ったのに」
フランキー「ベガパンクとの間に 1つだけ任務をプロテクトするという約束をしてたらしい ~ ~~~~~~ ~」(ここいい話。。。)
ルフィ「弁当くえよ にょが島弁当」
サンジ「女ヶ島?くまってやつはたして恩人か?おれがこの2年間どこにいたと思う?てめえは一 体何の修行を してたんだルフィ~」
ブルック「まーまーサンジさん 歌いませんか?」
サンジ「励ますんじゃね~ みじめになるわ」
ONE PIECE 603: Keep it in your heart
Cover: Sanji and squirrel making pies
Shabondy, lawless area
Cariboo's men are digging a hole. Fake Strawhats are seen near it, begging them to not kill them.
Cariboo grabs fake Sanji (looks like ability similar to Doru-doru) and covers the Fake Sanji's face to suffocate him.
Fake Usopp tries to stop him by shooting him. The bullet gets absorbed? by Cariboo
Fake Strawhats: Logia!?
Cariboo: Let's bury them. We've already identified the real Strawhat gang...
Marines are walking sulking, saying they couldn't do anything
Sentoumaru has the fake Luffy captured in ropes, and calling the HQ with denden mushi
Sentoumaru: The ones that disappeared are Cariboo bros and his crew... and few fake strawhats.
We captured the others, but the two Pacifista were destroyed by the real Strawhats.
Yeah, the protect (I think ohana meant prototypes) that cornered them two years ago.
And yes, they were just as storng as they were 2 years ago.. the ones that changed are the Strawhats!!
They are growing at an alarmng rate. Make sure and tell this to the Marine HQ in the New World... that the Strawhat gang is fully recovered!!
Shakky: They went so fast...
Rayleigh: You were watching?
Shakky: Of course, I'm a fan. Are you remembering something, Ray-san?
Rayleigh: Yeah..
Young Rayleigh sleeping on the deck. A man taks to him, saying this is a good ship.
"I see!! What's your name?" "Rayleigh"
Roger wearing the strawhat: I'm Roger!! Our meeting here is fated. Say, why don't you join me to turn this world upside down?
Rayleigh is holding his eyelids: There may not be any coincidences in this world... Just as if it was fated, Luffy become a man even more fitting for that hat.
It may not be a bad idea to keep living little while longer.
Shakky smiles
n the sea near Sabaody
Sunny is sinking rapidly. There are Sea Kings swimming too.
Each members giving their thoughts.
Brook: Amazing nature!
Zoro: I've seen it once already
Sanji: Yeah, on the ship you got on by mistake!! Shut up, we're busy being emotionally moved by all this!
Luffy: This is so exciting!! Grand adventure down in the ocean! It's like a dream!
Luffy jumps and grabs a fish along with the bubble
Zoro unsheathes his sword to cut it, Usopp and Chopper stop him
Luffy & Zoro full of swelling from beating
sanji asks for explanation on how the ship works
Nami starts to explain, but Sanji nosebleeds and flies off just by looking at Nami move.
Sanji flies outside of the bubble. Luffy catches him
The crew are worried Sanji's become even more easily affected by women
How the coated ship works is explained, but Zoro and Luffy doesn't seem to be listening and tries to race each other to catch fish again
They are scolded again....
Franky says he has to tell them something. He reveals Kuma was the one protecting the ship
What Kuma told Rayleigh was: I'm an officer of the revolutionaries. By fate, I wish to let these men escape this land
Franky: I don't know if they (marines) took advantage of his weakness, but he was gradually changed to a cyborg as experiment of the marines.
He had a treaty to lose all his humanity by the time the war started.
Chopper: Even if he sent us separate ways, he couldn't have known what we would have done. Even then he waited for us on the ship? Even after losing his personality?
Franky: It seems he made a promise between Vegapunk to honor just one mission... (ohana snipped, but said it's a moving story)
Luffy: Hey, eat this lunch. Female Island Lunch.
Sanji: Female Island!? ....Do you really think that Kuma is a savior to us!? Do you have any idea where I was these two years!? What in the hell were you "training" Luffy!!
Brook: Calm down, Sanji. Let's sing!
Sanji: Don't try to patronize me, you're just making me feel misrable
And behind the Sunny.... is the Cariboo bros and their crew....
Translation: Aohige_AP
シャボンディ 無法地帯
カリブー偽サンジを掴むと、(ドルドルの実の能力みたい)ので偽サンジの顔を包み呼吸を止めよ うとする。偽 ウソップそれを止めようと発砲。
カリブー「埋めちゃおうぜ 本物のの麦わら一味は確認したぜ~」
戦闘丸「きえたのはカリブー兄弟その一味… 偽麦わら数名 他は捕えたが 本物のの麦わら一味 によってパシ フィスタ2名を損傷 2年前奴らを追い詰めたプロテクトさ
勿論強さは当時のまま 変わったのはあいつらだ!!
めまぐるしい成長を遂げている 新世界の海軍本部によーく伝えておけ
シャッキー「ファンだもの 何か思い出してるんじゃない レイさん」
船の甲板で寝てる若いレイリー いい船だなと男に声をかけられる
麦わら帽子をかぶってるロジャー「おれはロジャー!!この出会いは運命だ おれと一緒に世界を ひっくり返さ ないか」
目頭を抑えてるレイリー「この世には偶然などないのかもしれん 全てが必然であるかのように ルフィはまた 一段とあの帽子がよく似合う男になった
シャボンディ 近海海中
どんどん沈んでいくサニー号 海王類も泳いでる
ルフィ「わくわくすんな~海中の大冒険 夢みてえだ」
ゾロも刀を抜き斬ろうとする 止めるウソップとチョッパー
たんこぶだらけのルフィ ゾロ
船の説明してとサンジ ナミが説明しようとすると
ここで、コーティング船の説明 聞いてるのか聞いてないのか
くまがレイリーに耳打ちしたことは クマ「おれは革命軍の幹部 縁あってこの一味をここから逃 がしたい」
フランキー「そんな弱みを握られたかしらねえが やつは実験隊として海軍によって少しづつサイ ボーグ化され 戦争前にじゃ完全に人格を奪われる契約を交わしていた」
チョッパー「バラバラにお飛ばしても どうするかわあいつにわかるわけがない それでも船で待 ってたのか? 人格も失ったのに」
フランキー「ベガパンクとの間に 1つだけ任務をプロテクトするという約束をしてたらしい ~ ~~~~~~ ~」(ここいい話。。。)
ルフィ「弁当くえよ にょが島弁当」
サンジ「女ヶ島?くまってやつはたして恩人か?おれがこの2年間どこにいたと思う?てめえは一 体何の修行を してたんだルフィ~」
ブルック「まーまーサンジさん 歌いませんか?」
サンジ「励ますんじゃね~ みじめになるわ」
ONE PIECE 603: Keep it in your heart
Cover: Sanji and squirrel making pies
Shabondy, lawless area
Cariboo's men are digging a hole. Fake Strawhats are seen near it, begging them to not kill them.
Cariboo grabs fake Sanji (looks like ability similar to Doru-doru) and covers the Fake Sanji's face to suffocate him.
Fake Usopp tries to stop him by shooting him. The bullet gets absorbed? by Cariboo
Fake Strawhats: Logia!?
Cariboo: Let's bury them. We've already identified the real Strawhat gang...
Marines are walking sulking, saying they couldn't do anything
Sentoumaru has the fake Luffy captured in ropes, and calling the HQ with denden mushi
Sentoumaru: The ones that disappeared are Cariboo bros and his crew... and few fake strawhats.
We captured the others, but the two Pacifista were destroyed by the real Strawhats.
Yeah, the protect (I think ohana meant prototypes) that cornered them two years ago.
And yes, they were just as storng as they were 2 years ago.. the ones that changed are the Strawhats!!
They are growing at an alarmng rate. Make sure and tell this to the Marine HQ in the New World... that the Strawhat gang is fully recovered!!
Shakky: They went so fast...
Rayleigh: You were watching?
Shakky: Of course, I'm a fan. Are you remembering something, Ray-san?
Rayleigh: Yeah..
Young Rayleigh sleeping on the deck. A man taks to him, saying this is a good ship.
"I see!! What's your name?" "Rayleigh"
Roger wearing the strawhat: I'm Roger!! Our meeting here is fated. Say, why don't you join me to turn this world upside down?
Rayleigh is holding his eyelids: There may not be any coincidences in this world... Just as if it was fated, Luffy become a man even more fitting for that hat.
It may not be a bad idea to keep living little while longer.
Shakky smiles
n the sea near Sabaody
Sunny is sinking rapidly. There are Sea Kings swimming too.
Each members giving their thoughts.
Brook: Amazing nature!
Zoro: I've seen it once already
Sanji: Yeah, on the ship you got on by mistake!! Shut up, we're busy being emotionally moved by all this!
Luffy: This is so exciting!! Grand adventure down in the ocean! It's like a dream!
Luffy jumps and grabs a fish along with the bubble
Zoro unsheathes his sword to cut it, Usopp and Chopper stop him
Luffy & Zoro full of swelling from beating
sanji asks for explanation on how the ship works
Nami starts to explain, but Sanji nosebleeds and flies off just by looking at Nami move.
Sanji flies outside of the bubble. Luffy catches him
The crew are worried Sanji's become even more easily affected by women
How the coated ship works is explained, but Zoro and Luffy doesn't seem to be listening and tries to race each other to catch fish again
They are scolded again....
Franky says he has to tell them something. He reveals Kuma was the one protecting the ship
What Kuma told Rayleigh was: I'm an officer of the revolutionaries. By fate, I wish to let these men escape this land
Franky: I don't know if they (marines) took advantage of his weakness, but he was gradually changed to a cyborg as experiment of the marines.
He had a treaty to lose all his humanity by the time the war started.
Chopper: Even if he sent us separate ways, he couldn't have known what we would have done. Even then he waited for us on the ship? Even after losing his personality?
Franky: It seems he made a promise between Vegapunk to honor just one mission... (ohana snipped, but said it's a moving story)
Luffy: Hey, eat this lunch. Female Island Lunch.
Sanji: Female Island!? ....Do you really think that Kuma is a savior to us!? Do you have any idea where I was these two years!? What in the hell were you "training" Luffy!!
Brook: Calm down, Sanji. Let's sing!
Sanji: Don't try to patronize me, you're just making me feel misrable
And behind the Sunny.... is the Cariboo bros and their crew....
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