Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Bleach 473 Spoilers Summaries

Bleach 473 Spoilers Summaries
Credits: Ohana
Trans: Sheetz@flol
ユキオ、あまり詳しくリルカの能力は知らないけど… でちょっと説明
ユキオ あれは無理。
Tsukishima is dead.
Ikkaku, Renji, Hitsugaya, and Yukio emerge from their rooms.
Byakuya and Rukia emerge as well.
There’s no sign of Riruka’s body or reiatsu, so
Rukia questions Yukio.
Yukia isn’t too knowledgeable about Riruka’s powers, but he gives some explanation.
Hitsugaya asks Yukio to open Ichigo’s room.
Yukio says that’s impossible,
and explains.
[TN: This is just Ohana joking about Ichigo and Ginjou having a ramen eating contest.]
Until next week.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Onepiece 646 Spoiler Summaries

Onepiece 646 Spoiler Summaries
 Credits: T
Translation: CCC
Verification: Confirmed 

ナミロビンルフィ以外の男メンバ【ジンベエ含む】の必殺技(2P使った見開き等)で幹部達 を全滅!!
The guys besides Nami, Robin, and Luffy (but including Jimbei) annihilate the NFP officers with special moves in a 2-page spread.
Honestly that’s pretty much all the contents, but the layout and intensity of the art is amazing.
The ones besides Luffy (trying to finish up, himself) seem to end their battles, themselves pretty much unscathed
The conclusion of each of their new finishing moves (Sanji and Jimbei are separate)
Not a lot of content, but honestly the drawings are amazing.”


ONEPIECE とりあえず第646話 カエル
扉絵は空島のアイサ(少し大きくなってる)が玉雲配ってる。スカイピアワゴームランド名物ソラ バンジー
ウソップに頼もしいと言われてれるチョッパー(いつものコノヤローって時のチョッパー)巨大化してする と恐ろしいw
フランキーがイカロスとVSの所でイカロスは頭にタイヨウの光が集まって必殺の槍で攻撃しようとするがフラ ンキーにも必殺技の用意があるみたい。
ブルックVsゼオ ゼオがこの円の中に入ったらお前は死ぬとか言うがブルックはもう入っちゃいました~と必 殺技  掠り唄 吹雪切り で勝利
ウソップVSダルマ 必殺緑星 衝撃狼草(インパクトウルフ) 巨大なオオカミの様な草で鼻先の球根から 直径3Mの衝撃波を放つ
チョッパーVSドスン 刻蹄 椰子(パルメ)  巨大化したパンチ
フランキーVSイカロス フランキーラディカルビーム  フランキー本体の手からビーム 喜ぶウソップチョ ッパー
ワダツミVSジンベエ 魚人空手奥義 武頼貫 わだつみの体を水が突き抜けた。空気が漏れて空を飛ぶワ ダツミ
サンジVSワダツミ 空でサンジが待っていた。2年間を思い出しなんで俺があんな目にと怒り、『焼け焦げろ あんな思い出!! 地獄の思い出(ヘルメモリーズ)』  燃えた蹴り。
ゾロVSヒョウゾウ  煉獄 鬼切りで勝利 毒喰らわず。
Explaining this week’s [chapter] in writing is tough, but…
There’s nothing but the depiction of the battle and everyone’s special moves. Various depictions are jumbled together.
I don’t think you can understand without reading the whole thing.
What to do, what to do…. I apologize for the halfhearted second half.
Anyway, One Piece Spoiler Chapter 646 “Exchange”
Cover Story: Sky Island’s Aisa (having grown a bit bigger) is delivering ball clouds. Skypiea’s Rubberband Land’s special product, Sky Bungee.
It seems that Chopper can only maintain his giant rumble-ball induced form for 3 minutes.
After being told how reliable he is by Usopp (so, at the point when he usually says “You bastard” and dances around happily) Monster Chopper’s reaction is terrible *sorry. a bit unsure here.*
Usopp’s Green Star “Humandrake” snatches up and entangles Daruma, and Green Star “Trampoliane” hurls him upwards. At Franky/Ikaros’ battle location, Ikaros is trying to gather up solar power to his head and goes for a sure-kill attack with his spear, but Franky also seems to be charging up a finishing move.
Brook vs. Zeo. Zeo says that if you enter his circle you’ll die, but Brook has already entered and performed his finisher( Kasuri Uta- Fubukigiri, or Grazing Song- Blizzard Cut) and won.
Usopp vs. Daruma. Finisher: Green Star- “Impact Wolf.” From the tip of a plant bulb, giant wolf-shaped grass fires a 3m diameter shockwave
Chopper vs. Dossun. Kizahidume Yashi (“Palme” *Literally, the whole thing is Scratch Nail Palm Tree. “Palme,” with the final “e” pronounced, seems to be the pronunciation of the entire attack though. Obviously a pun on “palm,” which as we remember from Enies Lobby is basically what Monster Chopper attacks with*)- It’s a punch from his giant form…
Franky vs. Ikaros. Franky Radical Beam. A beam from Franky’s real hand. Usopp and Chopper are delighted.
Wadatsumi vs. Jimbe. Fishman Karate Hidden Technique- Buraikan. Water pierces Wadatsumi’s body. Air leaks out, and he flies upwards.
Sanji vs. Wadatsumi. Sanji was waiting in the sky. Remembering those two years, I get so mad *<--honestly no idea about the last half of that sentence, but the idea is that he's upset about the memories.* "I'll scorch them! Those memories! Hell Memories!" It's a burning kick.
Zoro vs. Hyouzou. Zoro wins with Rengoku Onigiri (Purgatory Onigiri). He ISN'T poisoned."
End spoilers
My own comment-The humandrake pun is clear, but what about Trampolean? It's all in katakana so there are no kanji hints.
EDIT AND ANSWER TO MY QUERY: "liane" means "creeper" (likes vines) in French. so there's the pun- trampoline + liane. All credit for that goes to Mr. doflamingo_37

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

ONEPIECE [ワンピース ネタバレ] 640 Spoiler

One piece 640 Spoilers : the latest chapter end with Luffy confronts Hody in deep sea. so what happens next...? Find out the One piece 640 Story at here. If you have a prediction or discuss the One piece 640 Spoilersr or chapter, please leave a comments bellow.

One Piece 640 Spoiler Summaries

Credits: T
Translation: Aohige_AP

ONEPIECE 第640話 魚人島直上
扉絵 ビビ18歳 カルーとマツゲ付き
熱さにびっくりしたイカロスが怒ってナミを襲撃、ゼオが逃げられない様に透明になり脚をつかんでスルメイカ の槍で付こうとするが間に割り込むブルック
『え?ナミさん!?あ!そうだ!!』『パンツ見せてもらってもよろ・・ギャー』となりイカロスの槍に刺され るももともと干からびてるためダメージ0.
手ごたえのある奴を探していたフランキー将軍はイカロスをぶん殴る。フランキー将軍vsイカロ ス・ムッヒ。
地中を掘り進むチョッパー、ウソップと何か企んでるが後ろからドスン。チョッパーが敵の臭いに気付き角 砲11(エルフ)でドスンを返り討ち。
地面に空いた穴をチョッパーが繋いできたのでウソップの緑星 ドクロ爆発草でダルマ及び雑魚達をふっと ばす。
シラホシはこのままだと魚人島にノアが落ちてしまう為横にそれるが、デッケンが滑って頭打って気絶した為ノ アが魚人島へ向かって下がっていく。

NO One Piece 641 NEXT ISSUE.

One Piece Chapter 640: Straight above Fishman Island

coverstory: Vivi 18 years old, with Carue and Matsuge

Nami uses her lightning rod to clear tons of fodders
Ikaros, startled and enraged by the heat from the lightning, charges towards Nami
Zeo tries to stop her from escaping by turning invisible, and grabbing her legs and have them pierced by the squid-spears, but Brook cuts in between.
"Huh, Nami-san? Oh! May I see your pant.... GYAAAA!!!"
Brook is pierced by the squid spear. But he's already dry, so he takes no damage from the dehydrating effect of the spear. YOHOHO!
General Franky is looking for a worthy foe to fight, so he smacks Ikaros.
General Franky vs Ikaros Much
Brook accidently steps on Zeo, who was near Nami. (lol)
Brook vs Zeo

Chopper digs through the ground. He and Usopp are scheming something, but Dosun chases after them.
Chopper notices the pursuit by smell, and blows away Dosun with Horn Canon 11
Chopper covers the hole in the ground, and Usopp uses Green Star Skull Explosion Grass to blow away Daruma and the fodders.
Usopp vs Daruma, Chopper vs Dosun

Zoro blocks all of Hyouzou's sword attacks.
Shirahoshi swims to the side so the Noah doesn't fall on Fishman Island, but Decken slips and hits his head and goes unconcious, causing the Ark to fall towards Fishman Island.

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  • ワンピース ネタバレ 第640話

NARUTO 「ナルトネタバレ」 第556話 SPOILER

Naruto 556 Spoilers : the latest chapter end with Naruto confronts Raikage. so what happens next...? Find out the Naruto 556 Story at here. If you have a prediction or discuss the Naruto 556 spoiler or chapter, please leave a comments bellow.

Naruto 556 Spoilers

Credits: Ohana
Trans: Yagami1211

Naruto 556 ガアラVS水影!!

水 弱点を教えてやってるのにどいつもこいつも…!
忍A 弱点が分かったところで… 強すぎる
ガアラ ハアハア
ガアラ (…これは水というより 油に近いな… 砂でガードしても染み込んで滑り崩れる…)
水 お前ら…先にムウの方へ行ったろ… だいたいな…強そうな方から先に倒しにかかるもんだ戦 闘ってのは!
ガアラ だからそうした
水 どう見たってオレの方が強そーだろーが!!あっ!?死にかけのミイラにしか見えねーぞあいつは!!違う か!!?
ガアラ … 確かに…人はみかけによらないとわかった… アンタは強い
水 フッ …今のオレはオオハマグリが見せる広範囲幻術 …蜃気楼だってお前にも言ったよな!? …だから 物理攻撃は効かねーぞ!さっさとオオハマグリを見つけてつぶさねーといつまでたっても… !! あ!… そ ういやお前… 砂で
ガアラ オレは口より先に行動に移す
砂が蛤を見つける 上空からオオノキ
オオノキ あそこじゃぜ… (塵遁準備)
水 もう砂の物理感知してやがったのか… 通りで防戦一方で上の空だと思ったぜ! ま…だとしたらやっとま ともなのが相手になるって事だ! いいかげんオレをやっつけやがれ!
オオノキ !! … (ムウ様との戦闘せチャクラを使いすぎたな… さすがに塵遁はもう無理か… こうなれ ば仕方ないのう 直接たたき割るだけじゃぜ!!)
オオノキ 土遁 拳岩の術!! 手を岩にして蛤にパンチ
水 ただな…
オオノキ !
水 腰の入ってねー軽いパンチじゃ無理だぜオオノキ小僧! 塵遁つかわねーとこ見るとスタミナ 切れか?
オオノキ …今は小僧とバカにされてた昔とは違うんじゃぜ! 土遁 超加重岩の術!! (更に拳を大きく岩 にしてパンチ)ギッぐり !!!(ああ…やっちまった…)
ガアラ !! 幻術が解けたか… ガアラ眼を飛ばして あちこち見る
オオノキ ぐああ!!腰がアア!!
水 お前が土影の名を受け継ぐのは分かっていたがな…
オオノキ ぐう…

水 今じゃ無理がたたって腰痛持ちのじじいに成り下がってるじゃねーか! 腰の入った重いパンチに変えたは いいが… 重すぎて腰がガッタがた !! って!おい! 早く逃げろ!! 鬼灯一族の水鉄砲の 術だ!!

忍A あっちか!
忍B 急げ皆!行くぞ!!

水 ホラ見ろバカ!ジジイになって無理すっからだ…! うオっ!!
ガアラの砂、水を捕まえる ガアラの砂オオノキ確保
オオノキ すまん… 風影…!
水 砂が固まって来る
水 !! 砂の眼…こいつでずっとオオノキの様子を見てやがったのか…! (オオハマグリをやった時に砂分 身と入れ替えやがったな…)大物になるぜ… こいつは… マユ無しだしな!

忍A よし!捕えた!
忍B イヤダメだ!!さっきもヌルヌルの液で砂が崩れちまってた…!!


水 (ヤッベ…!! バトルが楽しくなってきたぜ!!)

ガアラ 砂漠層大層!!
忍A 今だ!ありったけの封印札を投げつけろ!
忍B これだけの砂ならあの滑る水も追いつけない
オオノキ よし…ワシらの勝ちじゃぜ…

忍A うわっっ何!?
オオノキ !!?
ガアラ !
オオノキ …!!(こ…これはまさか…!)

忍A 何だ…アレは!?
忍B また幻術なのか!?
ガアラ 幻術か?
オオノキ イヤ…幻術じゃない…! …先代ムウ様も手を焼いたという水影の無限爆破忍術…  蒸危暴威!! (ジョウキボーイ)


Gaara's Absolute Defense crushed !

Naruto 556 : Gaara Vs Mizukage.

TrollKage : Dammit, I keep telling you my weaknesses and still ... Seriously guys ...
NinA : Even though, you're way too strong.
Gaara : *panting*
Gaara : ( It's not really water, it looks closer to oil. When I guard with sand, the sand gets to heavy and crumbles from being wet )
MK : Tell me. Why did you guys went to Muu earlier. It's obvious that the best strategy is to gang up on the
stronger one.

Gaara : And so we did.
MK : Yeah, right. Look as hard as you want, it's obvious I'm the stronger one here. Muu just look like a dying Mummy to me, and nothing else.

Gaara : Someone taught me not judge a book by its cover. You are strong, indeed.
MK : Humm ... the clam you actually see is one big Genjutsu, okay ? It's a mirage, I told you that right ?
Soooooooo, that means physicals attacks are useless, right ? Then hurry the fuck up, find the real clam and destroy it, DAMMIT !
Oh, but heeey ... you're from Suna, right ?

Gaara : I'm not the talking type. I let my sand do the talking and find the clam.

Oonoki : Now ! ( prepare a Dust Release )

MK : So you're using the sand's physical perception, right ? I excpected more of an Absolute Defense.
Even though, it would mean you'd be a good opponent to me.
Okay, so, can you guys please kill me so I can call it a life ?

Oonoki : ( Dammit, I went way overboard when I fought Muu-sama, not enough chakra. )
No most dust releases ! If it came to this, I just have to confront him directly. )

Oonoki goes to the clam.

Oonoki : Doton - Boulder Punch Technique !
Oonoki's hand turn into stone as he punches the clam.

As Oonoki hits the clam, the real Mizukage can be seen.

Oonoki : !

MK : lil' Oonoki, you'd have to hit harder than that. I see you're not using Dust Release. Stamina problem ?

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「ブリーチ ネタバレ」 第466話 BLEACH 466 SPOILER

Bleach 465 Spoilers : the latest chapter end with Byakuya confronts Tsukishima. so what happens next...? Find out the Bleach 465 Story on If you have a prediction or discuss the Bleach 465 spoiler or chapter, please leave a comments bellow.

Bleach 465 Spoilers Summaries

Credits: Ohana
Trans: Weils


Bleach ブリーチ ネタバレ 第465話



レンジ 俺はこの17カ月 愛染と戦えるように鍛錬したんだ。



レンジ 男だろうが、女だろうがおめえらじゃ足りねえんだよ


Cカラ―は 銀城どーん
死ぬほど 嗤えるぜ て書いてある…

Shishigawara vs. Ikkaku.
Shishi beats the thing(?) tied to Ikkaku off his shoulder, but Ikkaku merely uses his muscles to bring back the thing(?).
This causes Shishi to become stricken with fear.
Thereafter, [the battle] continues.

Jackie vs. Renji.
Renji says "Ladies first", this causes Jackie to get annoyed.
Jackie kicks Renji once, he receives the attack but nothing happens to him.
Renji has a determination to receive [all the blows].
I became stronger just to fight Aizen!
Renji uses his blade handle to hit Jackie's stomach.

No matter whether it's male or female, you all aren't impressive..."
The warrior with plenty of experience.
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  • bleach 465
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  • ブリーチ ネタバレ 第466話