Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Onepiece 646 Spoiler Summaries

Onepiece 646 Spoiler Summaries
 Credits: T
Translation: CCC
Verification: Confirmed 

ナミロビンルフィ以外の男メンバ【ジンベエ含む】の必殺技(2P使った見開き等)で幹部達 を全滅!!
The guys besides Nami, Robin, and Luffy (but including Jimbei) annihilate the NFP officers with special moves in a 2-page spread.
Honestly that’s pretty much all the contents, but the layout and intensity of the art is amazing.
The ones besides Luffy (trying to finish up, himself) seem to end their battles, themselves pretty much unscathed
The conclusion of each of their new finishing moves (Sanji and Jimbei are separate)
Not a lot of content, but honestly the drawings are amazing.”


ONEPIECE とりあえず第646話 カエル
扉絵は空島のアイサ(少し大きくなってる)が玉雲配ってる。スカイピアワゴームランド名物ソラ バンジー
ウソップに頼もしいと言われてれるチョッパー(いつものコノヤローって時のチョッパー)巨大化してする と恐ろしいw
フランキーがイカロスとVSの所でイカロスは頭にタイヨウの光が集まって必殺の槍で攻撃しようとするがフラ ンキーにも必殺技の用意があるみたい。
ブルックVsゼオ ゼオがこの円の中に入ったらお前は死ぬとか言うがブルックはもう入っちゃいました~と必 殺技  掠り唄 吹雪切り で勝利
ウソップVSダルマ 必殺緑星 衝撃狼草(インパクトウルフ) 巨大なオオカミの様な草で鼻先の球根から 直径3Mの衝撃波を放つ
チョッパーVSドスン 刻蹄 椰子(パルメ)  巨大化したパンチ
フランキーVSイカロス フランキーラディカルビーム  フランキー本体の手からビーム 喜ぶウソップチョ ッパー
ワダツミVSジンベエ 魚人空手奥義 武頼貫 わだつみの体を水が突き抜けた。空気が漏れて空を飛ぶワ ダツミ
サンジVSワダツミ 空でサンジが待っていた。2年間を思い出しなんで俺があんな目にと怒り、『焼け焦げろ あんな思い出!! 地獄の思い出(ヘルメモリーズ)』  燃えた蹴り。
ゾロVSヒョウゾウ  煉獄 鬼切りで勝利 毒喰らわず。
Explaining this week’s [chapter] in writing is tough, but…
There’s nothing but the depiction of the battle and everyone’s special moves. Various depictions are jumbled together.
I don’t think you can understand without reading the whole thing.
What to do, what to do…. I apologize for the halfhearted second half.
Anyway, One Piece Spoiler Chapter 646 “Exchange”
Cover Story: Sky Island’s Aisa (having grown a bit bigger) is delivering ball clouds. Skypiea’s Rubberband Land’s special product, Sky Bungee.
It seems that Chopper can only maintain his giant rumble-ball induced form for 3 minutes.
After being told how reliable he is by Usopp (so, at the point when he usually says “You bastard” and dances around happily) Monster Chopper’s reaction is terrible *sorry. a bit unsure here.*
Usopp’s Green Star “Humandrake” snatches up and entangles Daruma, and Green Star “Trampoliane” hurls him upwards. At Franky/Ikaros’ battle location, Ikaros is trying to gather up solar power to his head and goes for a sure-kill attack with his spear, but Franky also seems to be charging up a finishing move.
Brook vs. Zeo. Zeo says that if you enter his circle you’ll die, but Brook has already entered and performed his finisher( Kasuri Uta- Fubukigiri, or Grazing Song- Blizzard Cut) and won.
Usopp vs. Daruma. Finisher: Green Star- “Impact Wolf.” From the tip of a plant bulb, giant wolf-shaped grass fires a 3m diameter shockwave
Chopper vs. Dossun. Kizahidume Yashi (“Palme” *Literally, the whole thing is Scratch Nail Palm Tree. “Palme,” with the final “e” pronounced, seems to be the pronunciation of the entire attack though. Obviously a pun on “palm,” which as we remember from Enies Lobby is basically what Monster Chopper attacks with*)- It’s a punch from his giant form…
Franky vs. Ikaros. Franky Radical Beam. A beam from Franky’s real hand. Usopp and Chopper are delighted.
Wadatsumi vs. Jimbe. Fishman Karate Hidden Technique- Buraikan. Water pierces Wadatsumi’s body. Air leaks out, and he flies upwards.
Sanji vs. Wadatsumi. Sanji was waiting in the sky. Remembering those two years, I get so mad *<--honestly no idea about the last half of that sentence, but the idea is that he's upset about the memories.* "I'll scorch them! Those memories! Hell Memories!" It's a burning kick.
Zoro vs. Hyouzou. Zoro wins with Rengoku Onigiri (Purgatory Onigiri). He ISN'T poisoned."
End spoilers
My own comment-The humandrake pun is clear, but what about Trampolean? It's all in katakana so there are no kanji hints.
EDIT AND ANSWER TO MY QUERY: "liane" means "creeper" (likes vines) in French. so there's the pun- trampoline + liane. All credit for that goes to Mr. doflamingo_37

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